All Systems Operational
Public ? Operational
90 days ago
100.0 % uptime
App ? Operational
90 days ago
99.99 % uptime
API ? Operational
90 days ago
99.99 % uptime
Email Worker ? Operational
90 days ago
99.99 % uptime
Sms Worker ? Operational
90 days ago
99.99 % uptime
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Major outage
Partial outage
No downtime recorded on this day.
No data exists for this day.
had a major outage.
had a partial outage.
Past Incidents
Jul 27, 2024

No incidents reported today.

Jul 26, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 25, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 24, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 23, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 22, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 21, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 20, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 19, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 18, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 17, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 16, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 15, 2024
Completed - The scheduled upgrade has been complete | Den schemalagda uppdateringen har slutförts.
Jul 15, 16:41 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jul 15, 16:02 UTC
Scheduled - Måndagen den 15 juli mellan klockan 17:30-19:00 kommer vår tjänst att tillfälligt vara otillgänglig på grund av en serveruppgradering.

För att förhindra dataförlust rekommenderar vi våra kunder att spara sitt arbete före uppgraderingen startar, och undviker arbete i plattformen medan uppgraderingen pågår.

Vi kommer att notifiera våra användare när arbetet är genomfört. Om ni har några frågor eller behöver ytterligare hjälp, tveka inte att kontakta oss.

Tack för ert tålamod och ert stöd.

On Monday, July 15 th, between 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM, our service will be temporarily unavailable due to an upgrade of our servers.

To prevent data loss, we recommend our customers save their work before the upgrade starts, and avoid working on the platform while the upgrade is in progress.

We will update the status and notify our users once the upgrade is completed. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your patience and support.

Jul 15, 15:30 UTC
Jul 14, 2024

No incidents reported.

Jul 13, 2024

No incidents reported.